

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Really? AGAIN?

Once again I must do a Mountain Dr. apology for Dempsey. For some reason he will never run out the front door. Even on his leash he stops and waits for me to walk out first, the garage door is COMPLETELY different. That one is a  f r e e  f o r  a l l!  If you open the door from the house to the garage and the big door is open, it is a personal invitation to Dempsey to LOSE HIS FLIPPING MIND! I was at the grocery store and I had left the big door open since I was going to be right back. While I was gone my son and daughter came home with some friends. My son opened the door and Big D came bounding out. I say "bounding" because there is no word for "pure, unadulterated crazy, run/jump/prancing/jig thing he does at moments like these. He immediately ran to my sons friend and pounced on her, she tried to grab him, no luck, apparently then he ran UP the street with no destination in mind, peed a couple of places, then ran back past my driveway to the neighbors toddler who was standing in the driveway next door (luckily didn't jump on her! He just sniffed and licked, cause ya know, he's a good dog) my neighbor tried to grab him, no luck (btw this is all with my giant teen boy, running to an fro,  right behind him trying to catch him) THEN Dempsey decided the other side of Mountain Dr. looked appealing, so in front of at least three cars (one of which was me!) he ran and peed on the tree over there. As I sat there, I watched him gleefully dodge my son, run about 10 feet down the cul de sac, dodge my giant teen at least 5 more times and run into the street again. So like any normal adult, with grace and elegance I SLAMMED  on my brakes and THREW my car into park, jumped out  and SCREAMED all ladylike and all DEMPSEY!!!!! He in turn joyfully ran over and jumped in my car. (HE CAMEWHENCALLED!! Good dog #cuphalffull!)  As I sat in my car crying (normal right?!) with a panting dog breathing down my neck all I could think of was, crap, I have to apologize again... sorry neighbors !!

 #crazylab #eleganceandgrace #dempseydog #shouldhavegotaturtle #SeriouslyDempsey?

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